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This is the official blog of Group D students of UPOU-MAN N-207 class of Prof. Sheila Bonito.

Who are we?
We are nurses in different parts of the world. We did not share time zones. We work on a rotation basis – work in the morning for a few days and then revert to working in the evening for a week and then a few days of night shifts before getting our most-awaited day off. But we were able to work as ONE.

Maria Elena Feliciano
Christopher John Fernandez
Marie Dominique Jewel Fortuna
Lea Gabriel
Elyn Gambet
Prinisel Gonato
Edmond Gonzales
Jill Iris Guerrero
Katrina Igsoc
Jayson Caezar Javier
Iris Kay Jimenez
Michael Lagarde
Ana Liza Huet


  1. Hello,
    I am a nursing student in an MSN (Education) program. I am interested in writing a paper bout your theory. I asked my instructor about it, and she gave me this response: "Provide a list of at least 3-4 references that relate to this theory for me to review. All of the references must be scholarly sources, and at least one of them needs to be a primary source (written by the theorist)."

    Would you please contact me at

    Thank you,
    Mrs. Shelton

  2. Hello, I am doing research on the topics presented in your page. I would like to give credit to the authors of meet the theorist page. Thank you for your time.
